This is a deadly heart story

Take Heart: Deadly Heart tells the story of how remote Aboriginal communities across the top end of Australia are adopting innovative strategies to eliminate Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD).

RHD is a preventable disease of children. All children exposed to Strep infections through skin sores and sore throats need treatment to keep them safe from RHD. If this treatment is not provided in a timely manner, children can develop Rheumatic Heart Disease, which is a life-long chronic condition that can lead to stroke, heart failure and premature death. RHD was once widespread across all of Australia, but today it is almost exclusively found in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island communities. Some of these communities have the highest rates of RHD in the world.

RHD has the biggest negative impact on the life-expectancy gap between Indigenous and non- Indigenous Australians. While it is a disease that is completely preventable, health system failures, low health literacy, overcrowding and environmental factors are contributing to growing rates of RHD in Australia.

Deadly Heart tells the inspiring story of the journey towards an RHD-free future. It is a powerful film for a general audience that celebrates Indigenous culture and demonstrates how community-led programs can put RHD in the history books once and for all.

The film incorporates themes of truth-telling, Indigenous leadership, language, culture, identity, reconciliation, education, health and self-determination. 




Lorraine Kabbindi White, Mike Hill

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