One feature and one minifeature by the Melbourne film auteur Saara Lamberg.
Dark Comedy, Drama
You are Alex Devine. You see and hear your friends and relatives come to you with their revelations, demands and grief, whilst you are unable to move or talk.
Will your secrets be safe or compromised before it's all over? Who is the woman whose anguish is replaced by an acceptance that she can live without you? Or the young man who wants you to wake up so you can give him some money? And who is the French woman in love with you? What did happen for you to end up like this? Ultimately, you may know your name, but do you know who you really are?
SAARA LAMBERG's intriguing feature film lets you look through Alex's unmoving eyes as you struggle to make sense of a life that everyone assumes is over.
Produced in collaboration with FILMONIK Melbourne. Starring Janet Watson Kruse and Glyn Francis.
Dark Comedy
An outcast brainiac, living in isolation, adopts a cat. Together with a styrofoam committee, they come up with a plot on how to save the good people of the world by destroying the evil.
Can the friendly neighbour save the man from himself?
Curiosity fact: The film was shot a year before the pandemic, yet talks about creating a global manmade virus. Spooky?
Starring Damian Vuleta.
7pm | Intro and CONVERSATIONS WITH SPITHEAD (40 minutes) |
7.45pm | Q&A and a short break |
8pm | Intro and COMA (80 minutes) |
9.30pm | Q&A |
10pm | Session Finishes |
Janet Watson Kruse, Glyn Francis, Damian Vuleta
Saara Lamberg